Renate Schepen

Intercultural philosopher, trainer, author, advisor
Learn to recognize knowledge and move between worldviews while increasing your social and ecological impact in a positive way.

Shaking up
your world view

Ms. Schepen shows that she is willing to experiment in a very avante-garde way, like the Fluxus art movement did, with performance art works, as an unconventional way to get across to an audience – or shall we say participants – a philosophical and historical point."
Gail Presbey, Professor of Philosophy, University of Detroit Mercy


Broaden your world view by experiencing approaches based on philosophies from other cultures. Based on scientific research, I have developed methods to teach you how to move between worldviews.
Get in touch for a booking
Light Shake: inspiration session

Change your worldview

Expand your worldview
Philosophies from other cultures offer fascinating alternatives for dealing with diversity, time perception and nature, which we can also apply in our own practice.
Interactive session of 2 to 3 hours, for organizations and training courses

Philosophy for everyday life

In this training you take on the challenge in a group to investigate how you can make better use of the knowledge within your own organization/group based on African and Latin American philosophies. This way you not only get to know yourself better, but also your colleagues.
Individual and group registration, several sessions
Strong Shake: intensive

Immerse yourself in other perspectives

Over several days you will be inspired by philosophies from other cultures and challenged to apply this in your own life. These courses take place at a location where the environment plays a role in the course.
Individual registration for group course, 5 days in-house
Renate made our trainers think in a pleasant way with a clear interactive workshop. Thinking differently based on African philosophy helps us to gain an eye for different forms of knowledge than the 'classic' business school perspective. And to strive for knowledge creation where everyone at the table is invited to participate."
Mark Zwijnenburg, director Loof training and advice

About me

Intercultural and Nomadic Philosopher

As an independent philosopher, I move between my hometown on the edge of the North Holland dunes and special teaching locations in Europe. I give advice, lectures and lessons and wrote several books.

In my latest book, I explore how we can do justice to different sources of knowledge. I obtained my PhD at the University of Vienna (cum laude) and before that I studied in Amsterdam, Accra and Montevideo. For my yoga and meditation training I traveled to Boulder (USA), Mysore (India) and the Pa'Auk Forest Monastery (Myanmar). I am also trained as an in-company trainer.

My interest in people - how we think and understand each other - is fueled by travel and encounters. Other points of view enrich and broaden my world view. I noticed this in international business where I held management positions for more than 20 years and in my current workshops and projects in collaboration with artists, scientists and experts by experience.

I want to work on projects that contribute to a sustainable world and diversity in culture and nature. In short, for organizations that make me happy.

Renate combines her impressive knowledge of African and Latin American philosophy with excellent didactic qualities, contagious enthusiasm and a good sense of current debates in the public sphere. Really someone who thinks along and keeps her audience in sight.
Marthe Kerkwijk, Filosoof en Programmamanager Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte


Register for one of the public lectures or philosophy courses I teach at The School of Life and  the International School of Philosophy, the master classes for the Volunteer Academy or courses at universities.
26-30 mei 2025

Filosofieweek: Stille stemmen

Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte Leusden
More information
8 t/m 14 juni 2025

Filosofieweek op Kreta: filosofie uit de Mediterrane wereld

Academie op Kreta
More information
20 t/m 24 oktober 2025

Filosofieweek in Toscane -Buiten kaders denken

Villa Sofia Toscane
More information


I wrote a number of publications and books and worked at Ten Have publishing house where I published a series of philosophy books.

Own Publications

Kimmerle's Intercultural Philosophy and Beyond: The Ongoing Quest for Epistemic Justice

Meer info
Dialogues Between Art and Philosophy Dorit Weintal and Renate Schepen
Filosofie van het verstaan
'Hulp bij het ombuigen van een hopeloos verstarde discussie in een constructieve dialoog' Trouw
Doordenken doorwerken, intercultureel en ecosociaal denken en doen
'Als u over zulke kwesties stevig door wilt denken [...] vindt u in dit boek een rijke bron aan radicaal vernieuwende ideeen.' Trouw
Denken in dialogen

Published Books

  • Sophie Oluwole
    Socrates en Orunmila
    Robert Moor
    Over paden
    Angela Saini
    Mogobe Ramose
    Timothy Morton
    Ecologisch wezen
  • Babah Tarawally
    Gevangen in zwart wit denken
    Alberto Acosta
    Buen Vivir
    Christian Madsbjerg
    Filosofie in een tijd van Big Data
    Christine Cayol
    Waarom de Chinezen de tijd mee hebben
    David Bohm
    Over dialoog

Contact  me

Would you like to investigate an issue or increase your knowledge? What is the remedy that suits your needs? A training, lecture, consultancy process or publication? Let's meet and discuss what I can do for you. I like to think along with you!

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And receive an occasional e-mail with my agenda, activities, reflections and tips for books and events about intercultural philosophy.
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